Jiri Nikkinen

Jiri Nikkinen’s first Beatleweek appearance took place in 2000, then as one of the members of the Get Back band. Of the many gigs played the most memorable for the band members were without a doubt the 45-minute sets played on the two stages of Cavern Club. A long-dreamt-of pilgrimage had been completed.

Jiri returned to Liverpool nine years later, this time as the frontman of a trio. The third visit occurred in 2013. The newly-named and newly-manned Jiri Nikkinen The Beatles Tribute Band (Line-up: Jiri Nikkinen – lead vocals and guitars, Jiri Bertula – Bass and backing vocals, Jarkko Rantanen – drums and Juha Heikkilä – keyboard and backing vocals) had over the years solidified their position as Finland’s clear Number One in their field. The band’s talent did not go to waste in Liverpool, either: in addition to eight other gigs the guys received the honour – as the first-ever group from Finland – to perform in the Beatleweek Finale Concert in the Adelphi Hotel Ballroom. Only the best among equals get selected for these shows.

If further improvement is to be found, this will happen during the 2015 Beatleweek. The festival organisers will specially invite from various countries a few bands, each of which will be allotted the task of performing one full Beatles album from start to finish. Jiri Nikkinen’s band will be among the chosen few, and the album selected for them is not without its challenges: Magical Mystery Tour will have to be practised to perfection, come August 2015!